A New CNC Router at Longwood High School on Long Island

We had a great time at the LITEEA Conference at Longwood High School on Tuesday. Longwood HS was showcasing their brand new 5x10 Titan Series CNC machine with a 4th axis rotary table and win CNC controller.

LITEEA is a professional organization open to all Technology, Engineering, and STEM educators across Long Island.  Our meeting locations range from schools to local industries and always include opportunities to network with colleagues.  New members are welcome at any time.  

The mission of LITEEA is to support, advocate, and promote excellence in the teaching and learning of STEM principles in technology and engineering classrooms. 

Techno CNC presented at LITEEA on Nov 6, 2023 and routed a 3D Eagle using high density foam from coastal enterprises. Expanded polystyrene foam board, best known as the substrate used in foam cups and beer coolers, is also a petroleum-based, closed cell product.  Its primary use in the construction industry is for roofing and wall insulation and for insulating concrete forms and non-structural or ornamental applications. The cut took about 2 hours total on the Titan Series CNC Router. 

Longwood High School recently got their Titan Series installed into their woodshop. Instructor’ Ryan Garafolo’ is excited for what’s in store for Longwood’s technical education classes. He said the students will be designing baseball bats and routing these on the 4th axis rotary table. Longwood High School has our 5 x 10 Titan Series CNC router with Win CNC controller interface and a 4th axis rotary table, shown in above photos.


Techno CNC System’s CNC routers and CNC plasma cutters make it easy and exciting for educators to prepare students for the technical manufacturing jobs of tomorrow. Students meet modern manufacturing challenges face to face, turning design concepts into reality on Techno’s latest industrial equipment. Don’t wait. Incorporate CNC technology into your cirriculum and get your students ‘future ready’.

Let’s discuss how schools who own our Techno CNC routers, plasma cutters and laser cutters are helping to prepare the next generation of industry experts.

STEM is an abbreviation for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students can learn about STEM both inside and outside the classroom. These four fields share an emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking; making up a popular and fast-growing industry. Most STEM workers use computers and other technology in their day-to-day jobs

Why is STEM Important?

As society innovates and technology advances, the need for professionals who understand how these technologies work and who can propose practical solutions continues to grow. $578 million dollars was invested in STEM education in 2019 under the Trump administration.

The ever-growing field of manufacturing depends on training programs at younger ages to ensure a hands-on experience with the latest educational CNC machines. CNC Machines in woodshop classrooms, technical education classes, STEM programs and clubs, and more, are a great way to introduce students to this technology early on.

What Machines should you consider?

Techno CNC Systems Educational Sector offers high speed, affordable industrial quality CNC Routers and CNC Plasmas in a wide range of sizes with work areas available from 12″ x 12″ to 5′ x 10′. All machines offer endless STEM opportunities. Every machine is installed and supported by local Techno CNC Systems representatives to ensure a successful startup. Call today to get your CNC machining program off to the right start!

CNC Routers Recommended for Schools

Titan Series

  • 12HP HSD automatic tool changer
  • 8-position tool rack
  • Multi-zone vacuum t-slot table
  • (3) material pop-up pins
  • Brushless AC digital servo drive motors
  • Easy to use hand held controller

Atlas Series

  • 4HP HSD collet spindle
  • Multi-zone vacuum t-slot table
  • Brushless drive motors
  • Easy to use and learn hand held controller

HD II Tabletop

  • 2HP HSD high frequency collet spindle
  • Precision ball screws on all three axes
  • Vacuum t-slot table
  • Easy-to-use handheld controller.

CNC Plasma Cutters Recommended for Schools

Phoenix Plasma Series

  • Available in 4′ x 4′, 4′ x 8′ and 5′ x 10′ stock sizes
  • PC based WinCNC Controller
  • Brushless drive motors
  • Precision Helical Rack-n-Pinion on X and Y axes with ballscrew on the Z axes
  • Unique design, easy to learn and operate
  • Water table / Steel slats / Down drafts
  • All steel construction for rigid platform Cuts up to 1.5” thick steel capacity
  • High-speed cutting up to 800 IPM
  • Magnetic Torch Break away
  • Multiple torch options available

Venus Series

  • 20” x 30” Process area
  • Precision ball screws on all three axes
  • Hypertherm Torch
  • Brushless micro stepper motors and controls
  • Stainless steel water tray with vertical grid
  • Automatic torch height control
  • Linear rails and bearings
  • SSA Controller Electronic torch breakaway

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Techno cnc systems educational inquiries for schools, universities,

Contact us for STEM, Science, Technology, STEAM, Art, Engineering, Mathematics, Maker Space, Fab Lab Inquiries


Ronkonkoma, NY (Long Island Based)


Follow us: @technocnc

Educational CNC Inquiries